25% off with code: BF24
Last chance: Enroll in PMDD Rehab now and get three free bonuses - Meet Your Menstrual Cycle course, PMDD Partner Workbook, and Tame Your Inner Critic Workbook!

I have a question for you..
Are you ready to finally get your PMDD symptoms under control, so you’ll no longer dread 1 -2 weeks out of your life every month?
What if I told you suffering every month from PMDD symptoms could be a thing of the past?
The mood swings, depression, fatigue, paranoia, & rage that are controlling your life for 14 or more days every month are common but NOT normal, that’s your body sounding an alarm, something is wrong and requires attention.
- Breaking free from feeling debilitated by your menstrual cycle every month and no longer suffering from PMDD symptoms that feel like they’re running your life
- Having the tools and knowledge to know what’s really happening inside your body that’s contributing to your premenstrual decline. Think of it as the Sex Ed you never got in school (but should have)
- No longer feeling the relentless mood swings that are contributing to the decline of all relationships in your life. It’s time for you to finally have healthy relationships and stop the irritability and anger directed toward those you love.
- No longer harboring negative feelings about yourself half of the month, every month. You deserve to feel worthy and like yourself again.
- Finally having answers to all the symptoms you’ve been experiencing without being gaslit at the doctor’s office after your blood work comes back normal and hearing “you’re perfectly healthy”. You have the power to take ownership of your body.
- Not having to miss out on opportunities in your career and life because of a hormone disorder or imbalance. Managing your symptoms is within your reach with the right support.
- No longer breaking up with your partner every month because it feels like you become a different person for 2 weeks out of the month. Sometimes you wish it was possible to escape your own body because you don’t even want to be around yourself.

In just a few weeks you could have the tools you need to:
- Reduce and better manage your symptoms with body literacy training, cycle awareness education, with the skills & tools taught in the 7 core areas of hormone health.
- Finally understand your PMDD triggers
- Better communicate your needs + boundaries and navigate your emotions, while having respect for your menstrual cycle
- Work with your cycle, not against it with evidence-based, diet & lifestyle changes that are attainable and will improve your overall health
Hear From Other STudents

PMDD Rehab
A comprehensive, self-paced course to help you reduce and manage your premenstrual symptoms, so you can improve your quality of life, relationships, ability to work, and more
You’ll gain the tools and knowledge to take control of PMDD and your life while bringing harmony to your hormones.
PMDD Rehab is what you need to:
- Gain a better understanding of your body and menstrual cycle and reduce your PMDD symptoms.
- Have hope for a better future ahead of you. It’s possible to stop suffering from monthly mood swings, premenstrual depression, irritability, rage, brain fog, and cramps.
- Stop suffering in silence and have validation of your experience. A stark difference from going doctor to doctor only to leave more frustrated than you were to begin with.
- Get your body & life back with the tools and education that addresses premenstrual symptom management.
25% off with code: BF24
Last chance: Enroll in PMDD Rehab now and get three free bonuses - Meet Your Menstrual Cycle course, PMDD Partner Workbook, and Tame Your Inner Critic Workbook!
Lifetime access to a step-by-step protocol designed to give you the education, skills/tools, & support you need to transform your PMDD experience, so you can transform your life!

Meet Katie!
Katie came to me feeling hopeless & overwhelmed. She was lacking the tools and confidence to change her experience with severe premenstrual symptoms & PMDD.
Katie decided to take charge of her life.
She was exhausted from constantly feeling depressed and irritable each month. She knew it was time to reclaim her life and get the tools she needed in order to better understand her own body and get symptom relief.
Here’s what Katie said about PMDD Rehab
“My entire life changed! I went from 2 weeks of unbearable symptoms that included suicidal ideation, nausea, rage, depression, exhaustion, disassociation, etc. To a couple (2-3) days of very tolerable symptoms each month. I no longer have suicidal ideation, which has haunted me since childhood. I now have the tools needed to mitigate/manage my symptoms.”
“It was very beneficial to have a coach who you feel like is in your corner, is non-judgmental, and who totally gets it because she has suffered through the same chronic illness.”
“I experienced a reduction in anxiety and poor self-esteem, but the most dramatic reduction was in irritability.”

Hear From Other STudents

The Course Modules
welcome, private community, how mindset impacts symptom presentation, goal setting, habit building, creating a healing support team, pleasure importance, & focusing on progress over perfection
Module 2: What is PMDD?
understand what PMDD is, how to get a diagnosis, common and alternative treatment options for PMDD, how to advocate for yourself within the medical system & find out common triggers that result in worse PMS & PMDD symptoms
how to use food to reduce symptoms, balance blood sugar, macro/micronutrient requirements, how to address disordered eating & curb cravings, how to eat to support your cycle health, PMDD supportive foods & anti-nutrients, food prep for beginners
stress hormones, types of stress, how to become more resilient through managing stress & overwhelm with PMDD, self-Care for PMDD, relaxation response technique tutorials, Guest Lecture: Clinical PMDD Hypnotherapist Amy Viola
how sleep impacts your hormones, sleep requirements, how to improve sleep hygiene & reduce sleep noise, how sleep habits may change throughout your menstrual cycle, chronic fatigue
Module 6: Core Area of Hormone Health-Movement
exercise & PMDD, movement as a management tool, how to work out during each phase of your cycle, movement cheat sheet
how your physical environment impacts PMDD symptoms, PMDD sensitivity, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) & cycle symptoms, how to support your systems of elimination for proper detoxing, how to reduce your exposure to EDCs, make your own product DIYs
self-sabotage, automatic negative thoughts & PMDD, types of boundaries & how to set them, PMDD & Intimate relationships, communication skill building, how adult attachment styles impact PMDD symptoms
Module 9: Core Area of Hormone Health-Spirituality
how purpose & meaning help you heal, tools for being more present, victim mentality & PMDD, how to cultivate personal power, connecting to your value system, self-acceptance, work/life balance, leveraging masculine & feminine energies
What's Included with PMDD Rehab
**$2,200 Value for $347

- 9 Modules, 33 Lessons
- Hormone Happy Recipes
- How to determine your symptom pattern
- Step by Step plan for when your symptoms are escalating
- Top Supplements for PMDD
- Phase Specific Grocery Shopping Guide
- How environmental chemicals can worsen symptoms + what you can do about it
- How to maintain habits despite PMDD
- Trainings on Nervous system regulation for PMDD
- How to use food as medicine for PMDD
- Actionable steps you can start today to feel better
- Community Support with over 400 other PMDDers
- Product Recommendations + discount codes
- Guest Lecture: Amy Viola, Clinical Hypnotherapist
Lifetime access to a step-by-step protocol designed to give you the education, skills/tools, & support you need to transform your PMDD experience, so you can transform your life!
Plus, You Will Also Get:
Evidence-based Stress reduction techniques for PMDD
a Nutrition guide for PMDD
How to make your own household and body products to avoid hormone disruption
Group Support calls

Meet Her Mood Mentor
Hey, I'm Jes!
It’s my mission to help you learn how to reduce & better manage premenstrual symptoms with integrative protocols so you can improve your quality of life & help you achieve your personal goals.
I can’t wait to see you inside PMDD Rehab so you can finally gain the tools and knowledge to reduce & manage your menstrual symptoms.
It wasn’t long ago I was in your shoes. PMDD Rehab is the exact program I wish I had when I was suffering from my own PMDD symptoms like depression, mood swings, anger, rage, and irritability.
I went to countless doctors yet remained undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or prescribed medications that only masked and/or made my symptoms worse. I knew there had to be a better way after I hit rock bottom.
I had two choices: Die due to my chronic PMDD symptoms or figure out a solution.
After finding integrative medicine, I had my first symptom-free period in 17 years. I created PMDD Rehab to help you regulate your cycle, so you don’t have to be stuck in an endless loop of feeling like yourself for half the month, and then feeling like another person has taken over your body the next 2 weeks.
It’s time to start feeling like yourself again inside my program, PMDD Rehab.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you experience any severe premenstrual symptoms, this course if for you!
Yes! The knowledge & tools you learn in this program can be paired with medication treatment routes.
Reducing your symptoms or even healing them may sound too good to be true, but don’t be fooled. This is not the easy route. My protocol requires specific & targeted evidence-based lifestyle & diet changes, but it works!
Have you ever been taught skills & tools for symptom management? This protocol is a PMDD-specific root cause approach to symptoms. Throwing non-evidence-based solutions at a hormonal mood disorder without cycle awareness, body literacy, systematic/consistent lifestyle + diet changes & a PMDD-specific targeted approach is unlikely to provide real relief.
Have you ever been taught skills & tools for symptom management? This protocol is a PMDD-specific root cause approach to symptoms. Throwing non-evidence-based solutions at a hormonal mood disorder without cycle awareness, body literacy, systematic/consistent lifestyle + diet changes & a PMDD-specific targeted approach is unlikely to provide real relief.
Everyone’s body is different so I can’t say for sure, but students typically see results within the first 30-60 days when committed to the program & completing all assignments.
This program is self-paced so you have as much time as you need to work through each section & you can always revisit the lessons for further growth & healing.
You will have lifetime access to all the course material & any updates to the course.
We will do everything within our ability (and within reason) to ensure your satisfaction. We will give you a full refund and let you keep the 4 bonus handouts if you don’t get see results after working through PMDD Rehab*.
*If you work through PMDD Rehab and don’t see any results, meaning you’ve watched all videos within the course and completed and presented all homework assignments, and attend 1 of the 4 live student calls from the course modules we will refund you in full let you keep the 4 bonus handouts (PMDD Partner, Tame Your Inner Critic, EDC Recipe Guide, Hormone Healthy Recipes) for free. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to make your experience a more pleasant one, please email Jes at support@hermoodmentor.com.
Is this Course Aligned?
PMDD Rehab is perfect for you if…
- You’ve been formally or self-diagnosed with PMDD and you’re dealing with symptoms like mood swings, fatigue, paranoia, anger, & rage that are taking over your life
- You’re ready to have the tools needed to understand your body, so you can reclaim your life
- You know it’s time to improve your self-esteem and your relationship with yourself and others
- You want to get off the rollercoaster of emotional and physical ups and downs
- You long for a life where your PMDD symptoms don’t leave you feeling depleted 2 weeks out of the month, only to leave you doing damage control and picking up the pieces afterwards
- You feel like you’ve tried everything you can to find symptom relief, yet nothing has been working. You’re ready to learn how to incorporate integrative menstrual health protocols into your lifestyle
What You Get:
Determine your symptom pattern
Top PMDD supplements
PMDD Grocery Shopping Guide
How to maintain habits despite PMDD
Student Support Calls
Lifetime access to a step-by-step protocol designed to give you the education, skills/tools, & support you need to transform your PMDD experience, so you can transform your life!
PMDD Rehab is the program for you
I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to experience PMDD symptoms month after month to no avail, but I’m here to support you journey in finding relief and management of your symptoms. It’s time to address your hormonal imbalances and take the first step to achieve cycle awareness and body literacy. It’s time to put yourself first.

25% off with code: BF24
Last chance: Enroll in PMDD Rehab now and get three free bonuses - Meet Your Menstrual Cycle course, PMDD Partner Workbook, and Tame Your Inner Critic Workbook!